Simplifying a complex fraction


Junior Member
Sep 8, 2007
I'm having an algebra moment (i'm taking calculus currently).. i'm probably going to feel like a dork when someone points this out to me :) , but I'm having trouble seeing how to simplify one of these equations to what it should be.

From plugging some dummy values in the calculator, these two functions appear to be equal. I need to take the following function:

f(x) = (-2*sqrt(1/x) - 1)/(4x^2*sqrt[(1/x) + sqrt(1/x)]*sqrt(1/x))

and simplify it to:

f(x) = -[2 + sqrt(x)]/(4x^2*sqrt[(1/x)+sqrt(1/x)])

Sorry I know those must be painful to decode. I'm not sure how to write in the math script people use on the forum.
Actually I think i've gotten it. It helped to write it out like that.

I need to divide the numerator and denominator by a fraction (1/sqrt(1/x)). Having to do that always seems to trip me up now and then for some reason.