Simplex Method Equation


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Have to solve a problem in a life situation using the simplex method. I chose to use the current issue with egg recalls. I want to come up with an total amount per farm that got food poisoning. Here is what i have.

x = packaged product
y = recalled product
z = total states
m = total brands
n = total illnesses

Farm A (5 farms total)
packaged in 6/12/18 count cartons
380 Million recalled
17 states effected
19 brands sold under

Farm B (2 farms total)
packaged in 6/12/18/30 count cartons
170 Million recalled
14 states effected
11 brands sold under, including 3 distributors with their own brands.

Total illnesses reported = 1000 (estimate)

In all actuality, all I need is the Objective and constraints. I can solve it from there using other tools. My main issue is coming up with a "workable" equation to my answer.
Somewhere in the above numbers is something that will tell which farm caused more of the problems or at least an assumptional equation.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
mickdano said:
I want to come up with [a] total amount per farm that got food poisoning.

Do you mean the total number of people (per farm) that got food poisoning ?

I'm thinking that the Simplex Method is used for finding the maximum value of some objective linear function. Are you thinking that each farm has an associated maximum number of people who got sick ?

I'm having trouble understanding the application of the Simplex Method to the given scenario. :(

Yes! It is all hypothetical of course, just looking for a workable equation. Which farm had the probability of causing more harm from distribution and so forth.

Okay. Somebody else here will need to assist you. I'm not sure how to use the Simplex Method for probabilities. Cheers! 8-)

Ok, thank you. Does anyone else have any idea how to get a good equation out of this one for a Simplex Method?? I need the Objection and Constraints. Thanks!