I came across the following problem that I created..... please note that I could get the answer the long way but I am trying to find a formula or equation to solve all problems like this.
Please help!
I have an income of $10,000 an hour
I have “30” stock
To buy “1” stock you must pay $20,000; i.e.: In two hours I will be able to buy “1 stock” for a total of “31 stock”
Every time you purchase “1” stock it increases your hourly income by 525.
Again for example, in two hours I will have 20k and be able to buy “1” stock, bringing my hourly income up to $10,525. After two more hours I will have “32” stock and an hourly income of $11,050.
If you purchase “1” stock every time you have an additional 20k; how long would it take to get to 200? (We are starting at 30 so I guess it would be the additional 170 stock)
I know I can keep adding 525 and figure it out the hard way, but I am curious as to what a formula for a problem like this would look like and how it would work.
Thank you so much!
I came across the following problem that I created..... please note that I could get the answer the long way but I am trying to find a formula or equation to solve all problems like this.
Please help!
I have an income of $10,000 an hour
I have “30” stock
To buy “1” stock you must pay $20,000; i.e.: In two hours I will be able to buy “1 stock” for a total of “31 stock”
Every time you purchase “1” stock it increases your hourly income by 525.
Again for example, in two hours I will have 20k and be able to buy “1” stock, bringing my hourly income up to $10,525. After two more hours I will have “32” stock and an hourly income of $11,050.
If you purchase “1” stock every time you have an additional 20k; how long would it take to get to 200? (We are starting at 30 so I guess it would be the additional 170 stock)
I know I can keep adding 525 and figure it out the hard way, but I am curious as to what a formula for a problem like this would look like and how it would work.
Thank you so much!