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Each of the two conditions will yield a linear equation in x and y, which you can then solve.
My bad for forgeting to say what ive manage to calculate, sorry about that, i did work on it for a couple hours. And all ive been able to do is to calculate this :
Real part of (z*z1) = 2x + 3y = 18
Imaginary part of ((z konjugated)/z1)= 3x*i - 2y*i
This is where im stuck, i do not know how to calculate x and y from here
z conjugated = x-iy
Real part of (z*z1) = 18
Imaginary part of ((z conjugated)/z1)=1
Okay thank you very much. Going right back to solving itThe problem was:
You have found that \(\displaystyle Re(zz_1) = Re((x+iy)(2-3i)) = 2x+3y\), so the first equation is 2x+3y = 18. That's good.
But it appears that you have misinterpreted "imaginary part". The imaginary part of a+ib is just b, not ib; if you think of a+ib as the ordered pair (a,b), the imaginary part is the coordinate b, not the imaginary number ib.
So \(\displaystyle Im(\dfrac{\overline{z}}{z_1})\) is not 3x*i - 2y*i, but just 3x-2y. So the second equation is 3x-2y = 1.
Now just solve the system of equations.
But that's not quite right; \(\displaystyle Im(\dfrac{\overline{z}}{z_1})\) is not really 3x-2y. You appear to have omitted the denominator. That will change the second equation.