simple calculator in C


Senior Member
Apr 17, 2024
Using the techniques you learned in Fig. \(\displaystyle 7.28\), create a text-based, menu-driven program that allows the user to choose whether to add, subtract, multiply or divide two numbers. The program should then input two double values from the user, perform the appropriate calculation and display the result. Use an array of function pointers in which each pointer represents a function that returns void and receives two double parameters. The corresponding functions should each display messages indicating which calculation was performed, the values of the parameters and the result of the calculation.
Using the techniques you learned in Fig. \(\displaystyle 7.28\), create a text-based, menu-driven program that allows the user to choose whether to add, subtract, multiply or divide two numbers. The program should then input two double values from the user, perform the appropriate calculation and display the result. Use an array of function pointers in which each pointer represents a function that returns void and receives two double parameters. The corresponding functions should each display messages indicating which calculation was performed, the values of the parameters and the result of the calculation.
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