Attached is the image file of the phase portrait of solution curves for the series of initial value problems at y(0)=-k*log(2) as generated by maple 13.[attachment=0:39k7mkyh]directional field_2.jpg[/attachment:39k7mkyh]
As the given IVP have solution on whole real line only for the initial condition y(0)< -log(2).
The commands that I have used to generate to get the above pic are:
de := diff(y(x), x) = exp(y(x))*sin(x);
##DEplot(de, y(x), x = -Pi .. Pi, y = -3 .. 3, arrows = medium, color = rhs(de));
phaseportrait(diff(y(x), x) = exp(y(x))*sin(x), y(x), x = -Pi .. Pi, [[([y(0) = -k*log(2)] $ k = -5 .. 5)]);