Hello, I have been thinking about the term 3D. If you provide the length, width and height of an object, how would you tell a square or a circle apart? According to Wikipedia, a sphere has four points. Three values show the location of the center of the sphere and the fourth the radius.
I doubt that Wikipedia actually says "four points". The four "values" you state are numbers, not points.
But how do you represent a sphere without a fixed point? Or is it's given location at a given time always required for calculations?
In that case, use a variable or expression for that "point"
The example of an ant was given in another thread; well on a sphere an ant can go in infinite directions. It seems like 3D is a useful term, but that real space would be described by infinite points?
"3D" is "three dimensions" NOT "three points". You are making the same mistake as above. Any single point in space requires 3 numbers to precisely describe it. In a "Cartesian coordinate system" those would be "x", "y", and "z", the distances of the point from an arbitrarily chosen "origin" point along three arbitrarily chosen orthogonal axes. In "spherical coordinates" the numbers would be "\(\displaystyle \rho\)", the distance from an arbitrarily chosen origin, "\(\displaystyle \theta\)", the angle the projection of the line from that point to the origin to an arbitrarily chosen plane through the origin makes with an arbitrarily chosen line in that origin, and "\(\displaystyle \phi\)", the angle the line from the origin to the point makes with the perpendicular to that plane, through the origin. In "cylindrical coordinates" the numbers are "r", the distance to the point from an arbitrarily chosen origin to the projection of the point in an arbitrarily chosen plane through that origin, "\(\displaystyle \theta\)" the angle the line from the origin to the projection, and "z" the distance to the point along a line perpendicular to that plane through the point.
Different ways to describe the precise position of the point, but always requiring three numbers- "three dimensions" or "3D".
I haven't seen the Wikipedia article you refer to, and you don't give a link, but I imagine that the point of the article was that the "space of all possible spheres" was "four dimensional" because we can precisely describe any specific sphere by telling where its center is using three numbers and then a single number to tell its radius.
In physics, we deal with "events", that happen at a specific point at a specific time. We require three numbers to specify the point and one number to specify the time. That is what Albert Einstein meant when he said that "we live in a four dimensional space-time continuum".