Second Degree application

whitetoastisgood said:
Would anyone be able to help me with an application of a second degree equation?
Please post the full and exact text of the exercise with which you are having difficulty, the complete instructions, a detailed description of any required graphic, table, or chart, and a clear (step-by-step) listing of your efforts and reasoning thus far.

Alternatively, if you are actually asking for lessons (which, naturally, we cannot provide in this environment), please reply with the specific topic being covered, and we can try to find some online lessons which might be helpful.

Thank you.

whitetoastisgood said:
Would anyone be able to help me with an application of a second degree equation?

Thanks a mil,

Find yourself an algebra 1 or 2 text (or.....maybe this is a totally bizarre concept....your OWN text???)

Look in the index for quadratic equations (those would be 2nd degree equations). You will surely find "applications" listed as one of the topics. Read through the sections in the text. THEN, if you have a specific question you'd like help on, come back. Tell us IN DETAIL where you are confused.

I'm thinking you're asking us to do some kind of "final project" for you......
whitetoastisgood said:
Would anyone be able to help me with an application of a second degree equation?

Thanks a mil,

Let t be the variable representing time, and g(t) your grade at that given time.

If you don't start thinking for yourself, your grade g(t) may be represented by the following quadratic function:

(Let t=0 and t=10 represent the beginning and end of the semester, respectively.)

g(t) = -t^2 + 100