Scavenger Hunt equation scanned please help if you can


New member
Feb 6, 2006
Click on the following link to view equation! I hope this makes more sense now.

My daughter has a Scavenger Hunt/math quiz that we are totally stumped on. The internet is part of the hunt and it's recommended that you use it, so I am. I have done the steps to complete the problem but I have 3 different answers. This is due today and I really need help. I have listed the answers to the quizes and then the steps to solve the math problem.
The original answers (scavenger quiz answers) A-Y I am 99% sure those are correct as most of them were answers to famous peoples birth dates or number of letters in a saints name. In the steps 1-5 (steps to solve the equation) if you see only a letter (example: h), it refers back to the original answers in A-Y. If it says a step number than a letter it refers to the step and the solution to that number (example: step 1h). Any help you can give would be VERY appreciated as I am totally stumped at this point, it's only been 20+ yrs since I was in high school and unfortunately I haven't used algebra since than :(
I have triple checked the quiz answers and they are correct. Question q is two to the power of five which is 32, and question W is the number of letters in the name of the first apostle called by jesus, which is Andrew = 6. those two questions are what generate the large answers and I know they are right :(

Thanks Again
Scavenger Quiz answers:
a. 98
b. 37
c. 5
d. 1000
e. 3164
f. 12
g. 373
h. 3038
I. 10
J. 1/13
k. 1473
l. 16
m. 1
n. 300
o. 3
p. 1810
q. 32
r. 6
s. 6
t. 1
u. 6
v. 900
w. 6
x. 2000
y. 11

STEPS TO SOLVE the equation:

STEP 1: and Answers I came up with:
a. f x s = 72
b. t + m = 2
c. i x j = 10/13
d. a - b = 61
e. u ^ t = 6
f. y - step 1e (answer you get for step 1e) = 5
g. (step 1f) ^ o (this is not 0, it's the letter o)= 125
h. n x c = 1500
i. v + x - p = 1090
j. r x f = 72
k. d + v + step 1j = 1972
l. q ^ w = 1073741824
m. step 1L - g = 1073741451
n. L ^ w = 16777216
o. step 1n - g = 16776843
p. step 1m
------- = 64.01 ????? or maybe 1073741451/16776843 ?
step 1o (step 1m over step 1o does not say to leave as fraction?)

STEP 2: and Answers I came up with:
a. o divided by step 1b = 1.5 ??
b. step 1a
------- = 48
step 2a (step 1a over the top of step 2a does not say to
leave it as a fraction so i'm not sure?)
c. step 2b + k = 1521
d. step 1c x step 1d x step 1g = 5865 5/13 ???
e. step 2d
------- = 305/78
step 1h (says to leave as fraction)
f. r x step 1i = 6540
g. step 2f divided by i = 654
h. h - step 2g = 2384
i. e - step 1k = 1192
j. (step 2h)
------- X step 1p = 715827634/5592281 (step 2h and step 2i
(step 2i) are in the same () with step 2h over the top of step
2i,I didn't know how to show
that here and it says leave as a fraction)
a. step 2e
------- (says to leave as fraction) =1705645705/55834555452 ????
step 2j

a. square root of step 2c = 39

STEP 5: multiply step 3a by step 4a = FINAL ANSWER
1 273990437/1431655268

Is this right or where did I mess up at.

When I solve the equation using the equation and not the steps i come out with
z= 0.01
When i use the steps i come out with 1.20.
Obviously somewhere I'm going wrong :(

Thanks for any help!
I don't know, it just seems like a bunch of mambo jumbo to me. It just doesn't make sense that you would come here at the last minute and post all of it. Did you really think we would understand it? Also, it would take me two weeks to understand your problem, the way you have typed it, and you want it DONE today? :shock:

You know what, I never said I "wanted" someone to do it for me. :(
I merely asked for assistance from someone who knew more about algebra than I do. I did not create the equation nor the steps to solve it, my daughters teacher did. I thought this was a forum to ask for help or get assistance. I'm sorry you don't understand the equation or the steps, obviously I don't either or i wouldn't be here. I went ahead and turned it in with the answer I came up with and am hoping I got it right. And, as for just posting it today, I had no idea there was assistance available for math on the internet until this morning. I posted the answers I came up with because I thought someone might be able to check where I went wrong, but, fortunately, I think I figured that one out myself. I also scanned and posted the URL to the equation itself since I could not get it to post correctly. I guess I shouldn't feel so bad now, obviously there are others out there that are/were as stumped as I.
Weeks to understand the problem makes no sense to me. I posted the quiz answers and the answers I came up with for the steps and now the equation itself??? The equation itself is solved by using the Scavenger Quiz Answers posted (A-Y) on this thread, the rest of the steps are supposed to be the steps in solving the equation, you simply answer the steps and by the time you get to the end (step 5) you should have the answer to the equation, my answer on step 5 is not correct. hmmmmm
The solution I came up with using the equation itself (using the Scavenger Quiz answers a-y)and not the steps was 0.01. Evidently there is a step i did wrong when I tried to use the steps to solve because using the steps I came up with 1.20.

You post was a bit on the rude side considering this is the first time I have ever been here and asked for assistance. makes for a bad welcoming committee.

Thanks for everyones help, if you do decide to try the equation (because you're just bored) please let me know what you come up with :)

Cyndiv said:
I never said I "wanted" someone to do it for me.
But to "check" your final answer, somebody would have to do just that: start with the original questions, and work the entire "hunt". And that's a bit much to ask.

Cyndiv said:
I...turned it in with the answer I came up with and am hoping I got it right.
I'm sorry, but I find this statement just plain disturbing. It's one thing for the student to be allowed to ask parents and others for "help". It's quite another for the parent to do the assignment entirely, as your statement (above) implies.

Cyndiv said:
And, as for just posting it today....
I'm sorry, but your deadline is not our fault.

Cyndiv said:
I also scanned and posted the URL to the equation itself....
And you posted it with, from your time-stamps, less than an hour to go before you had to turn in "your" homework. It would have taken longer than that just to verify your "a-y" answers.

Cyndiv said:
Weeks to understand the problem makes no sense to me.
And you're upset that none of the volunteers happened to surf by the instant you'd posted the URL and do the entire project inside half an hour...? Does that really seem fair?

Cyndiv said:
You post was a bit on the rude side...
I'm sorry, but I have to disagree. When you're asking for help, the onus is on you to ask clearly, not for the volunteers somehow to diviine your meaning. When the meaning isn't clear, the responsible tutor says so. I'm sorry that this offended you, but it is, I'm afraid, a fact of life that unintelligible questions are pretty much impossible to answer.

I did not post the quiz questions because I knew they were right, they were mostly "church" topics as this is a catholic school, my daughter originally answered the quiz questions and I double checked them and my husband checked them a third time just to be sure. All I hoped for was for someone to double check the steps (not the quiz answers) and maybe catch our mistake, I was sure it was in the math (which it ended up being in the math). I didn't realize that it was "asking too much" and for that I apologize. I was not expecting a "miracle" to happen and have the answer in a few minutes. If you look at the URL to the pic of the equation you can see the directions clearly say she can use a calculator and her parents help. I feel parental help was necessary on this one, normally, I'd make her do it herself, but she did spend 2 days attempting it, which makes me a proud parent for her attempt, so I have no problem with finishing it for her. We will go over the problem this evening so she can see how "we" arrived at the solution. I am not upset about not getting an answer from the thread because I wasn't really expecting any response (especially the ones I got) in fact, the responses just made me more determined to get it myself :) I have not had dealings with algebra in over 20 yrs, but that "once learned, never forgotten" thing kicked in and I did come up with a solution. I don't know what time it is where you're at, but I did that first post at around 9am my time (cst), right after I took the kids to school.

Thanks again, and I apologize for any misunderstandings in my original post.
