Running Race Results Ranking


New member
Sep 3, 2012
I am looking for a math expert to assist in developing a calculation for ranking runners of road races (i.e. 5k, 1/2 marathon, marathon) across multiple events. The need is to assign runners a specific amount of points in each race based on their peformance so that a leaderboard across multiple races can be established.

The criteria that I would like to be included in the calculation include:
- Place Points - Points will be given to runner against how they finish in their age group. Person who comes in first in their age group will be awarded the most amount of points, followed by the 2nd, 3rd racer, etc.
- Time Points - Points will be awarded based on how their time compares to the average time in their age group.
- Number of Runners in Race Points - More points will be given to runners if they run in bigger races. Points will be given based on number of finishers.
- Distance Points - More points will be awarded if you run longer distance races (half marathon is weighted heavier than a 5k)
- Personal Record Bonus - Runners will be given some sort of bonus if they beat their best time in that race distance

Can you please establish this calculation? Happy to provide more details.