rounding to the nearest billions


New member
Jan 13, 2009
i have a math question how would you go about rounding 205,734,848 to the nearest billions?

In this thread, I'm using the US definition of one billion.

If it is closer to 1,000,000,000, then it rounds to 1 billion.

If it is closer to 0, then it rounds to 0 billion.

There's a simple rule for rounding, but I'm not telling until you let me know that you at least understand what I've typed so far.

You could also search Google for lessons on rounding. There are probably a googol of those to look at. :wink:

MY EDIT: Fixed my figures after misreading given value as 205 billion +
chirs11188 said:
i have a math question how would you go about rounding 205,734,848 to the nearest billions?

Here's what "one billion" looks like:


Your number has 0 in the billions place...which we would not normally write, but I'm going to put the 0 there....


You can see that 205,734,848 is between 0 billions and 1 billion. Which is it closer to?
Mrspi said:
Here's what "one billion" looks like:


Yikes! I blew it.

(I can't even blame the difference between a US billion and a UK billion, darn it.) :wink:

I will edit my original post, before Denis sees it.
