a) Give the definition of upper and lower Riemann sums U(f, P) og L(f, P), where f is a limited function on an intervall [a, b] and P is a partition of this intervall.
b) Let f(x) =ln x on the intervall [1, 2] and let Pn be the partition Pn = {1, n+1 n , n+2 n , . . . , 2n−1 n , 2} where n ≥ 1 is an integer number. Find U(f, Pn) and L(f, Pn) and show that U(f, Pn) − L(f, Pn) = ln 2/nfor all n ≥ 1.
I have answered the a) assignement. but got stuck there. Can anyone help me?
b) Let f(x) =ln x on the intervall [1, 2] and let Pn be the partition Pn = {1, n+1 n , n+2 n , . . . , 2n−1 n , 2} where n ≥ 1 is an integer number. Find U(f, Pn) and L(f, Pn) and show that U(f, Pn) − L(f, Pn) = ln 2/nfor all n ≥ 1.
I have answered the a) assignement. but got stuck there. Can anyone help me?