Remaining Volume of a Sphere


New member
Mar 12, 2008
I have one more problem that I need help with. This answer will help me with the other problems that I have to solve. If a cone is cut out of the sphere below, what is the remaining volume of the sphere. The radius is 12.2 meters. The picture is just a sphere with the shading of a cone inside. the base of the cone sits on the bottom of the sphere and the tip touches the top of the sphere.
naeagle said:
I have one more problem that I need help with. This answer will help me with the other problems that I have to solve. If a cone is cut out of the sphere below, what is the remaining volume of the sphere. The radius is 12.2 meters. The picture is just a sphere with the shading of a cone inside. the base of the cone sits on the bottom of the sphere and the tip touches the top of the sphere.

If you have posted the exact problem and only dimension given is that of the radius of the sphere - then the problem cannot be solved as presented.
That was the exact problem. Thank you so much for your help! I will ask my teacher about that problem tomorrow. Thanks again.
If the problem asked about the volume of the largest cone out of a sphere of radius R:

Then the volume of such cone is;

\(\displaystyle V\, = \, \frac{32}{81}\cdot \pi\cdot R^3\)
She didn't say anything about it being the largest so I'll definently ask her about that tomorrow. Thank you so much! You've been a great help!
It turns out that the teacher forgot to tell us to cross off the problem because there was not enough information :? Thanks for your help!!