Refresh my memory please


New member
Sep 14, 2022
you and a friend are playing a board game. your final score 'x' is 12 less than your friend. write and solve an equation for your final score..

equation 195 = _________________________ solve

your final score is ________________________ points

my score was (x-12) friend was x my equation was (x-12) + x = 195 or 2x - 12 = 195 friend score was 103.5 my score was 91.5

i was marked wrong.......what am i doing wrong.?

equation 195 = _________________________ solve
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you and a friend are playing a board game. your final score 'x' is 12 less than your friend. write and solve an equation for your final score..

equation 195 = _________________________ solve

your final score is ________________________ points

my score was (x-12) friend was x my equation was (x-12) + x = 195 or 2x - 12 = 195 friend score was 103.5 my score was 91.5

i was marked wrong.......what am i doing wrong.?

I'm going to assume that you are given the information that the total of your score and your friend's score is 195. (You haven't told us that - you really need to give us the whole question.)

I'm also going to assume that you were told in the question that "your final score 'x' is 12 less than your friend". (You also haven't told us whether that was part of the question or whether you decided to define x that way.)

If your score is x then your friend's score must be x+12. Think about it ... if your score is 12 less than your friend, then your friend's score must be 12 more than your score.

So, (x+12) + x = 195 which leads to x = 91.5, ie your score.

Even though you have ended up with the correct answer, in your method, you have NOT done what the question has asked (ie your final score 'x' is 12 less than your friend) - assuming that was what was in the question statement.

You have let your friend's score be x, whereas the question says your score is x.

If the question didn't include the statement "your final score 'x' is 12 less than your friend", then there is nothing wrong with what you have done.
you and a friend are playing a board game. your final score 'x' is 12 less than your friend. write and solve an equation for your final score..

equation 195 = _________________________ solve

your final score is ________________________ points

my score was (x-12) friend was x my equation was (x-12) + x = 195 or 2x - 12 = 195 friend score was 103.5 my score was 91.5

i was marked wrong.......what am i doing wrong.?

You need to read more carefully as it actually stated that your final score 'x' is 12 less than your friend.
You are given that your score is x! So if you call your score something other than x, like maybe x-12, you'll be wrong.