reflections of a shape


New member
Sep 29, 2008
If I trace a five sided shape on a piece of paper and then take the shape pattern flip it over and randomly drop it on the piece of paper in a different location how would I reflect the original shape 3 times so that it would end up on the 3rd reflection exactly over the flipped shape on the paper?
Could you provide the complete problem statement exactly as worded?

Off the top, it doesn't sound too tricky. I think the first flip is of no consequence. After that, get it half way on the other two.
That is basically how the "project" is described. The hard part to me is getting the last reflection to exactly overlay the shape. I t must have something to do with finding a common line.
I think you will have a very difficult time getting the last reflection to match up unless you team it up with the second to last. It takes planning on this one.

One thing that may help, depending on how hardy you are with algebra, is mapping individual points. I think you will need only two.

1) Mark two points on the original figure. Record their coordinates.
2) Flip and drop the figure.
3) Find the two points and record their new coordinates.

Just do one point at a time. How can you get it from where you started to where it landed in three moves? There are MANY ways. If you write a sufficienly general formulation, you will be able to do the same with the second point and compare the results. This should narrow down the possible transformations.