Recursives, Sequences.

Jul 31, 2012

This is the problem. I do not understand it because the teacher did not explain it well. Please guide me through the first steps on numbers 2, 4 and 5.

Here is what I understand:

1) I know what an recursive, sequence, series, is. I also understand what each of the numbers stand for in the equations.

2) I understand the long term trend, that over time the equation would become closer and closer to a certain number. In this case the number is 6666.

So please guide me through the previous numbers I have asked. Thank you so much for helping me understand, and thank you so much for using your time to help me complete this gab in my knowledge.

Is that U0 ?

Is the index the year counter? (You have not defined n.)

Un = 0.97 Un-1 + 200
In question 4, what is the meaning of the phrase "the restock" ?

Does this exercise have something to do with fish?
So in the equation:

U(n)= .97 U(n-1) +200, U(0)+15000

The .97 stands for the death rate

The + 200 stands for the 200 (Because something new immigrants or births replenish the population).

The 15000 is the initial value or the value from where you begin calculating.

Originally, this information was brought out from a fish problem. If you are interested I could show it to you, but I do not know how it would help.