Rearranging equation: a = dv/dt = (d^2r/dt^2)r^ + (dr/dt)(d@/dt)@^ + r(d^2@/dt^2)@^ -


New member
Jan 24, 2018
Good morning.
I would like to ask you for help with understanding rearranging of equation that I've encountered while reading 'mechanics' by Kittle, Knight and Ruderman. I'm talking about this:

By reference to Eqs. (2.25) and (2.26) for \(\displaystyle d\hat{\mathbf{r}}/dt\) and \(\displaystyle d\hat{\mathbf{\theta}}/dt,\) we bring this expression into the terms:

. . .\(\displaystyle a\, =\, \dfrac{d\mathbf{v}}{dt}\, =\, \dfrac{d^2r}{dt^2}\hat{\mathbf{r}}\, +\, \dfrac{dr}{dt}\dfrac{d \theta}{dt}\hat{\mathbf{\theta}}\,+\, \dfrac{dr}{dt}\dfrac{d \theta}{dt}\hat{\mathbf{\theta}}\, +\, r\dfrac{d^2 \theta}{dt^2}\hat{\mathbf{\theta}}\, -\, r\left(\dfrac{d \theta}{dt}\right)^2\hat{\mathbf{r}}\)

Then, by collecting terms and a little rearranging, we write this in the usual fashion:

. . .\(\displaystyle a\, =\, \Bigg[\dfrac{d^2r}{dt^2}\, -\, r\left(\dfrac{d \theta}{dt}\right)^2\Bigg]\, \hat{\mathbf{r}}\, + \, \dfrac{1}{r}\, \Bigg[\dfrac{d}{dt}\, \left(r^2\, \dfrac{d \theta}{dt}\right)\Bigg] \hat{\mathbf{\theta}}\qquad (2.30)\)

Particularly I have problem with understanding the second term. I think I see how we can multiply it to get each of terms with unit vector theta from the upper equation.
That would be one way:

\(\displaystyle 1)\, \dfrac{1}{r}\Bigg[\dfrac{d}{dt}\left((r^2)\left(\dfrac{d \theta}{dt}\right)\right)\Bigg]\, =\, \dfrac{1}{r}\Bigg[(r^2)\left(\dfrac{d^2 \theta}{dt^2}\right)\Bigg]\, =\, r\, \left(\dfrac{d^2 \theta}{dt^2}\right)\)

And the other:

\(\displaystyle 2)\, \dfrac{1}{r} \Bigg[\dfrac{d}{dt}\left((r^2)\left(\dfrac{d \theta}{dt}\right)\right)\Bigg]\, =\, \dfrac{1}{r}\Bigg[\left(\dfrac{dr^2}{dt}\right) \left(\dfrac{d \theta}{dt}\right)\Bigg]\, =\, \left(\dfrac{dr}{dt}\right)\left(\dfrac{d \theta}{dt}\right)\)

But my question is how come that from 3 terms with θ unit vector from upper equation we have only one? To be honest I doubt that my multiplications are allowable but I stuck on that and don't have another idea. What am I missing?


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I would like to ask you for help with understanding rearranging of equation that I've encountered while reading 'mechanics' by Kittle, Knight and Ruderman. I'm talking about this:

By reference to Eqs. (2.25) and (2.26) for \(\displaystyle d\hat{\mathbf{r}}/dt\) and \(\displaystyle d\hat{\mathbf{\theta}}/dt,\) we bring this expression into the terms:

. . .\(\displaystyle a\, =\, \dfrac{d\mathbf{v}}{dt}\, =\, \dfrac{d^2r}{dt^2}\hat{\mathbf{r}}\, +\, \dfrac{dr}{dt}\dfrac{d \theta}{dt}\hat{\mathbf{\theta}}\,+\, \dfrac{dr}{dt}\dfrac{d \theta}{dt}\hat{\mathbf{\theta}}\, +\, r\dfrac{d^2 \theta}{dt^2}\hat{\mathbf{\theta}}\, -\, r\left(\dfrac{d \theta}{dt}\right)^2\hat{\mathbf{r}}\)

Then, by collecting terms and a little rearranging, we write this in the usual fashion:

. . .\(\displaystyle a\, =\, \Bigg[\dfrac{d^2r}{dt^2}\, -\, r\left(\dfrac{d \theta}{dt}\right)^2\Bigg]\, \hat{\mathbf{r}}\, + \, \dfrac{1}{r}\, \Bigg[\dfrac{d}{dt}\, \left(r^2\, \dfrac{d \theta}{dt}\right)\Bigg] \hat{\mathbf{\theta}}\qquad (2.30)\)

Particularly I have problem with understanding the second term. I think I see how we can multiply it to get each of terms with unit vector theta from the upper equation.
That would be one way:

\(\displaystyle 1)\, \dfrac{1}{r}\Bigg[\dfrac{d}{dt}\left((r^2)\left(\dfrac{d \theta}{dt}\right)\right)\Bigg]\, =\, \dfrac{1}{r}\Bigg[(r^2)\left(\dfrac{d^2 \theta}{dt^2}\right)\Bigg]\, =\, r\, \left(\dfrac{d^2 \theta}{dt^2}\right)\)

And the other:

\(\displaystyle 2)\, \dfrac{1}{r} \Bigg[\dfrac{d}{dt}\left((r^2)\left(\dfrac{d \theta}{dt}\right)\right)\Bigg]\, =\, \dfrac{1}{r}\Bigg[\left(\dfrac{dr^2}{dt}\right) \left(\dfrac{d \theta}{dt}\right)\Bigg]\, =\, \left(\dfrac{dr}{dt}\right)\left(\dfrac{d \theta}{dt}\right)\)

But my question is how come that from 3 terms with θ unit vector from upper equation we have only one? To be honest I doubt that my multiplications are allowable but I stuck on that and don't have another idea. What am I missing?
This is not beginning algebra; it is calculus. And your difficulty may be that you are trying to rearrange using mere algebra.

You want to convince yourself (working backward) that

1/r[d/dt((r^2)(dθ/dt))] = (dr/dt)(dθ/t) + (dr/dt)(dθ/t) + r(d^2θ/dt^2)

That is, combining terms that were left separate,

1/r[d/dt((r^2)(dθ/dt))] = 2(dr/dt)(dθ/t) + r(d^2θ/dt^2)

In your manipulations, you forgot that r is a function of t, so it can't be treated as a constant and pulled outside of a derivative. Do you recall the product rule for derivatives?
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Yes, and now it clicked that you've mentioned it. That phrase 'little rearranging' must have somehow blocked my mind. Thanks for your help and sorry for misplacing the thread.
Yes, and now it clicked that you've mentioned it. That phrase 'little rearranging' must have somehow blocked my mind. Thanks for your help and sorry for misplacing the thread.

Yes, the word "rearranging" makes me think first of algebra, too.

Glad the little reminder was enough.