Really need help with a venn diagram


New member
Oct 24, 2011
The question is: In testing an automatic inspection device for detecting items, an experiment was set up as follows: 500 items, of which 20 were true defective, were run through the device. The device indicated 15 of the items defective of which 10 were found to be true defectives. The items were then run through the device again. This time the device indicated 22 to be defective including 7 of the true defectives it missed before, 10 of the true defectives it caught before, and 3 of the items it falsely indicated to be defectives before. Make a venn diagram showing the eight classes.

I don't need someone to do my homework for me, I just need to know where to put what because I'm not sure what exactly the three circles need to consist of and how to organize it. Thank you, if you can help.
Isn't that your homework?

Universe is 500 items

What classes are there?

Defective - Found Defective #1 - Found Defective #2
Defective - Found Defective #1 - Not Found Defective #2
Defective - Not Found Defective #1 - Found Defective #2
Defective - Not Found Defective #1 - Not Found Defective #2
Not Defective - Found Defective #1 - Found Defective #2
Not Defective - Found Defective #1 - Not Found Defective #2
Not Defective - Not Found Defective #1 - Found Defective #2
Not Defective - Not Found Defective #1 - Not Found Defective #2

There's your 8 classes.