I dare anyone to take on this question who is doing Alevel maths!
2 small rings A and B are attatched to opposite ends of a light inextendible string. The rings are threaded on a rough wire which is fixed verticaly with A above B. A horizontal force P os applied at a point P. Both parts AP and BP are taut and the system is in equilibrium. The part BAP amkes angle a and ABP makes angle b. The weight of A is 2N and the tensions in the parts AP and BP are 7N and TN respectively. It is given that cosa = 0.28 and sina = 0.96 and that A is in limiting equilibrium. Find the coefficient of friction between the wire and ring A.
thanx alot
Alice :shock: :shock:
2 small rings A and B are attatched to opposite ends of a light inextendible string. The rings are threaded on a rough wire which is fixed verticaly with A above B. A horizontal force P os applied at a point P. Both parts AP and BP are taut and the system is in equilibrium. The part BAP amkes angle a and ABP makes angle b. The weight of A is 2N and the tensions in the parts AP and BP are 7N and TN respectively. It is given that cosa = 0.28 and sina = 0.96 and that A is in limiting equilibrium. Find the coefficient of friction between the wire and ring A.
thanx alot
Alice :shock: :shock: