What are your thoughts? What have you done so far? Please show us your work even if you feel that it is wrong so we may try to help you. You might also readif a & b are two positive numbers a>b then prove that one of a+b/2 is even then the other a-b/2 is odd
When you posted this to the "Arithematic" category, you originally titled this only "real numbers". But the concepts of "odd" and "even" apply only to the naturals. So should "positive real numbers" be changed to "natural numbers"? Also, does the exercise say something more along the lines of "exactly" (or "at least") "one of (a + b)/2 and (a - b)/2 is even"?if a & b are two positive numbers a>b then prove that one of a+b/2 is even then the other a-b/2 is odd