Radical Within A Radical


Full Member
May 8, 2005
How do I solve a radical within a radical?


sqrt = square root

sqrtx^6 lies within a bigger radicand. Simplify.

I think the first steps is to multiply BOTH index. Is this true?
greatwhiteshark said:
How do I solve a radical within a radical?


sqrt = square root

sqrtx^6 lies within a bigger radicand. Simplify.

I think the first steps is to multiply BOTH index. Is this true?

so you have: sqrt[sqrt(x^6)]
since x^3 * x^3 = x^6, then: sqrt(x^3)
since x^2 * x = x^3, then: sqrt(x^2 * x)
since sqrt(x^2) = x, then: x[sqrt(x)]

So answer is x times the square root of x : capish?

also, sqrt[sqrt(n)] = n^(1/4) : but I'm not getting into that...
Hello, greatwhiteshark!

How do I solve a radical within a radical?

SAMPLE: sqrt{x^6} lies within a bigger radicand. Simplify.

I think the first steps is to multiply BOTH index. Is this true?
If you're thinking what I think you're thinking . . . yes.

sqrt(x<sup>6</sup>) means (x<sup>6</sup>)<sup>1/2</sup> .= .x<sup>3</sup>
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __
And the square root of <u>that</u> is: . (x<sup>3</sup>)<sup>1/2</sup> . = . x<sup>3/2</sup> . . . or: . √x<sup>3</sup>

We can do it one step: . [(x<sup>6</sup>)<sup>1/2</sup>]<sup>1/2</sup> . = . x<sup>(6)(1/2)(1/2)</sup> . = . x<sup>3/2</sup>

I get now but I will need to learn additional radical with a radical questions to pass my course. More questions like this later this week.
In case this helps you...


do most inner first: sqrt(65536) = 256
do next one; sqrt(256) = 16
do next one; sqrt(16) = 4
do final one; sqrt(4) = 2

Each "sqrt" really means "to the power (1/2)";
there's 4 of them in that example; so (1/2)(1/2)(1/2(1/2) = 1/16;
and 65536^(1/16) = 2

Did it help...or did it add to confusion?