radical and rational exponential equations


New member
Jul 29, 2007
Ok I am currently having a hard time with radical and rational equations. i've asked family and friends but they have only seemed to help a little bit :cry: ... But anyway the one problem I am having an EXTREMELY hard time solving is :
3/4 = 1- 3x-2/x+1

I have no idea where to begin or where I should end up so anything anyone could help me with would be very much appreciated.
Morgan :)
Morgan_L1992 said:
But anyway the one problem I am having an EXTREMELY hard time solving is :
3/4 = 1- 3x-2/x+1
CLARIFY the 3x-2/x+1:
is it (3x-2) / (x+1), or 3x - 2/x + 1, or 3x - 2/(x+1) ?

AND: do you know what "least common denominator" means ?