I answered this question and it was marked wrong and I can't figure out why.
Q: "The minute hand on a watch is .4 inches long. Write an expression to determine how far in inches does the tip of a minute hand travel as the hand turns through 60(deg)."
A: I answered .4(11pi/6)
I was told the correct answer was .4(pi/3) but I figured that the hand on a watch moves clock-wise so to travel through 60 deg it would have to go -300(deg)
Q: "The minute hand on a watch is .4 inches long. Write an expression to determine how far in inches does the tip of a minute hand travel as the hand turns through 60(deg)."
A: I answered .4(11pi/6)
I was told the correct answer was .4(pi/3) but I figured that the hand on a watch moves clock-wise so to travel through 60 deg it would have to go -300(deg)
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