

Super Moderator
Oct 6, 2005

Every uneducated person is a caricature of himself.

~ Karl Wilhelm Friedrich von Schlegel

\(\displaystyle "Most \ people \ are \ willing \ to \ work, \ and \ the \ rest \ are \ willing \ to \ let \ them."\)

\(\displaystyle Charles \ Dickens\)
\(\displaystyle " \ Education \ is \ a \ better \ safeguard \ of \ liberty \ than \ a \ standing \ army\ "\)

Edward Everett

. . \(\displaystyle \begin{array}{c}\text{Two Secrets for Success:} \\ \\ \text{1. Never tell anyone everything you know.} \\ \\ \\ ^{\text{[Author unknown]}} \end{array}\)

A Hindu (believes in reincarnation) told his friend that in next life, he wanted to come back as a cockroach.

"Why that dirty insect?" - asked the befuddled friend.

"That is the only thing my wife is afraid of....." said the tortured soul.
Subhotosh Khan said:
"That is the only thing my wife is afraid of....." said the tortured soul.
should be "replied", not "said" : over to the corner (which I just vacated!)
Denis said:
Subhotosh Khan said:
"That is the only thing my wife is afraid of....." said the tortured soul.
should be "replied", not "said" : over to the corner (which I just vacated!)

But he was tortured and confused and he could only mumble (say)..... not enough spunk left to reply.

. . \(\displaystyle \begin{array}{c} \text{Cogito cogito.} \\ \text{Ergo cogito sum,} \\ \text{cogito.} \\ \\ ^{\text{I think that I think.}} \\ ^\text{Therefore, I think I am,}} \\ ^{\text{I think.} } \\ \\ \text{Henri "Bubba" Descartes} \end{array}\)

I'm a nobody ; nobody is perfect ; therefore I'm perfect !

I know I'm bright: my mother called me sun ...