Questions regarding topics of upcoming final exam


New member
Jun 14, 2007
Ok so im writing my final in a couple days.. what would you say the most important/hardest thing to get is? Just like... I suck at calculas, so id just like to know what the hardest concept type thing is im thinking applications? Maybe, i don't know, cause most things build off each other right? Anyways if you could please let me know....

Also were you supposed to have physics 20 before you took calculas?

And do you think its hard to take calculas in grade 11?

Thanks soooo much!!
What sort of mathematics classes do you take? I myself have no idea what "Physics 20" is. All I ever had in my highschool was Physics A, Physics B, Physics C, Mathematics A, Mathematics B, Mathematics C etc.. I'm assuming you're roughly 17 if you're in grade 11? Most students at my highschool were introduced to calculus at about the same age. A lot of people found it hard to grasp, because they were not used to the notation etc..
Snofrost said:
Ok so im writing my final in a couple days.. what would you say the most important/hardest thing to get is?
Since people are different, different students have different levels of difficulty with different topics. There is no way to know with which topic any particular student might have the most trouble.

Since instructors, schools, and textbooks are different, different classes cover different topics in different manners and different orders, and to different levels of complexity. There is no way to know even which topics any particular course might have covered, nor how well.

I'm sorry, but there is no way for us to answer your question. Only you, by studying your text, your class notes, your old quizzes and tests, and any review materials provided, can know what you have covered and/or where you're having trouble. Sorry.

My best wishes to you on your final.
