These questions would be much easier to read if you just typed them. But also, you have clearly translated from another language, and your English is not standard. Here is what you are saying, as I read it:
Let F be a field. We will define mappings S:F3[x]->F3[x] and T:F3[x]->F4[x] as follows: For all p(x) \in F3[x], S(p(x)) = p(x+1) and T(p(x)) = (x-1)p(x). Prove that S and T "shift linear".
Unfortunately, I don't know what "shift linear" means. Possibly it is "are linear transformations", but I don't think that's right.
Can you give us some help in interpreting this? Perhaps give us the original words for us to research, and show us the definitions of those terms as given to you.
Also, we want to see your own thinking. If you have no idea what to do, at least show the definition of "shift linear", which has to be the starting point, as your goal will be to show either that the functions fit the definition, or that some theorem applies.