Question at an exercise of Dynamic Programming


Junior Member
Apr 15, 2013
Hey..! I have a question at the following exercise.
<<We have a set of \(\displaystyle N\) objects, denoted \(\displaystyle 1,2,...,N\), which we want to group in clusters that consist of consecutive objects. For each cluster \(\displaystyle i,i+1,...,j\), there is an associated cost \(\displaystyle a_{ij}\). We want to find a grouping of the objects in clusters such that the total cost is minimum. Formulate the problem as a shortest path problem, and write a DP algorithm for its solution.>>

Could you tell me what I have to do to formulate the problem as a shortest path problem??
As shown, 1,2,...,N is already in format i,i+1,...,j with i=1 and j=N
So that's one cluster, so 1 charge only...
And give an example.

So do I have to find all the possible grouping in clusters for a specific N( for example N=5) ? Or is there an algorithm to find the grouping with the minimum cost?