First, in post #4, your quartic is probably not reliable. You have a small data set, just 9 points and, with a quartic, only 4 degrees of freedom. The coefficient on the quartic term is almost certainly too small to be statistically significant, and the coefficient on the cubic term may also be too small to be statistically significant. If you used Excel's data package, it provides an extensive list of statistics. What are they?
Second, using software is dangerous. It does what you tell it to do, but that does not mean you tell it to do makes any sense. You have not told us what x and y are. Just looking at the data, I am dubious that y is dependent on x. Even if it is plausible that y is dependent on x, why is it plausible that the dependency be in the form of a polynomial, let alone a quartic? Is it plausible that y is dependent on more than one variable?
Third, in post # 4, you got two graphs: one joining the data points and the other for your equation. In post 6, you did not do that? Why not?