While drawing the graph of y=tan x from - pi to -pi
It's written:
"Also we know that tan x is undefined at x=+-90 degrees,when
i) x approaches pi/2 from left i.e,x->pi/2-0,tan x increases indefinitely in 1 quadrant.
ii)x approaches pi/2 from right i.e., x->pi/2+0,tan x increass indefinitely in IV Quad.
iii) x approaches -pi/2 from left i.e., x->-pi/2-0,tan x increases indefinitely in II Quad.
iv) x approaches - pi/2 from right i.e., x-> -pi/2+0,tan x increases indefinitely in III Quad.
I'm unable to understand 'pi/2+0','pi/2-0','-pi/2-0' etc.