Proving Trigonometry Equation

I'm new and just to clarify have I broken any rules?
I have tried to solve this in a couple of different ways with no success, so I don't know really where to start as I am unfamiliar with this area of trig. Any help is appreciated.

You should show us the work which you tried, even if it is wrong. This way we see what method you would like to use and we can show you how to proceed using your method.

Whenever you are stuck I think you should go back to the definitions. Using the diagram you should 1st determine what the tangents of those three angles are and then square them (like the equations says to do). Then think about why that equation should be true? It reminds be of the pythagorean theorem. Do you see a right triangle anywhere that would be helpful? If not then use definitions again. This is the line of thinking I would use if this was my problem.

Please post back with your work.
I haven't really started I've been just thinking about it, but I understand what your saying how it reminds you of Pythagoras.
I said that it reminds me of the pythagorean theorem. Upon closer inspection I can not find the appropriate right triangle. I now would would look closely at the definitions of those three trig functions and try to figure out why they combine to that equation. Investigate and everything will fall into place. Post back!