Hint: A general odd function is expressed as (2n+1)Hey,
Just looking for some help on the below question, I have absolutely no idea.
"Prove that the product of three odd functions is odd."
Thanks in advance,
Hint: A general odd function is expressed as (2n+1)
A function f is even if the graph of f is symmetric with respect to the y-axis. Algebraically, f is even if and only if f(-x) = f(x) for all x in the domain of f.
A function f is odd if the graph of f is symmetric with respect to the origin. Algebraically, f is odd if and only if f(-x) = -f(x) for all x in the domain of f.
Here are some useful properties of even and odd functions. All of them are easy to check from the definition of even and odd functions.
- A product of two even functions is even. Therefore, the function x^2 * cos(2x) is even since both of its factors are even.
- A product of two odd functions is even. Thus x^3 * sin x is even.
- A product of an odd function with an even function is odd. So the function x cos(x) is odd since x is odd and cos(x) is even.
In an odd function z(x), z(-x)=-z(x)Hey,
Just looking for some help on the below question, I have absolutely no idea.
"Prove that the product of three odd functions is odd."
Thanks in advance,