Prove that the sequence {1+(1/2)^n} converges to 1
The answer key said to pick N = max (1, ceiling of log_2 (1/ε) ) for any ε > 0
so that if n > N, then | 1+(1/2)^n - 1 | = (1/2)^n < ε
I understand why N was picked to be the ceiling of log_2 (1/ε) but why is N chosen to be the maximum of that and 1. Is it because N must be a natural number and if ε < 0.1, the ceiling of log_2 (1/ε) is negative?
If that is the case, is 1 arbitrary? Could 1 have been 0.8 or 2? Is there any specific reason the answer key chose 1?
The answer key said to pick N = max (1, ceiling of log_2 (1/ε) ) for any ε > 0
so that if n > N, then | 1+(1/2)^n - 1 | = (1/2)^n < ε
I understand why N was picked to be the ceiling of log_2 (1/ε) but why is N chosen to be the maximum of that and 1. Is it because N must be a natural number and if ε < 0.1, the ceiling of log_2 (1/ε) is negative?
If that is the case, is 1 arbitrary? Could 1 have been 0.8 or 2? Is there any specific reason the answer key chose 1?