Prove that (A-B) intersection (A-C)= A-(B union C)?

what have you tried? Lets see what you can do, try proving one is the subset of the other first.
Somebody please help me solve this..... Thank you..

SUGGESTION: Make a Venn Diagram -- the old 'three-ring sign' -- and number each of the eight regions, 1 - 8.

Now compute the region-set for the left- and right-sides of your equation and see if they match.
SUGGESTION: Make a Venn Diagram -- the old 'three-ring sign' -- and number each of the eight regions, 1 - 8.
Why not use the rules?
Recall that \(\displaystyle A\setminus B=A\cap B^c\) and \(\displaystyle (B^c\cap C^c)=(B\cup C)^c.
Rewrite and factor.