prove mathematical induction: prove 17^200 - 1


New member
Dec 7, 2015
I am trying to figure out how to prove 17200 - 1 . I am talking simple algebra stuff once everything is set in place.
I figure I need to split 17200 into something like (1740)5 - 1 and have it as n = 1740 and n5 - 1 .
I just dont know if thats a good way to start
I'm sorry, but I'm not sure of what you're asking. You're trying to "prove 17^200 - 1" ... is what? Are you trying to find the value of this expression? Do you need the exact decimal representation, or will an approximation do? Further your title says "mathematical induction" but I don't see a way you'd use that in this case. Proofs by induction involve a variable, but there's no variable here, only constants. If possible, please post the exact text of the problem word-for-word so we're all operating on the same page.