Prove by induction

What are the steps in induction proofs? Can you start?
Let n=1? Then check we get 1 = 1. And now I don't know what next
Have you done a proof by induction before? Have you followed a few examples? Please look up some videos on youtube, etc. Then come back and continue to step 2.
Let n=1? Then check we get 1 = 1. And now I don't know what next
Next suppose that \(J\in\mathbb{Z}^+~\&~J>1\) is such that \(\displaystyle\sum\limits_{k = 1}^J {{k^3}} = {\left[ {\frac{{J(J + 1)}}{2}} \right]^2}\).
Then show that the sum works for \(J+1\) based on the above.
To prove statement P(n), that depends upon the positive integer, n, "by induction" you need to
1) Prove P(1) is true.
2) Prove that if P(k) is true, then P(k+1) is also true.

One reason why so many "proofs by induction" involve sums is that the "n+1" case is just the "n" case with one more term!

Here \(\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{k+1} i^3= \sum_{i=1}^k i^3+ (k+1)^3\).
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