Hey, I have quite a problem rn and don’t really know how to start at all:
Let [a,b] be a finite interval. B([a,b],C) (C being the sign for complex numbers) be the room of the stetic function [a,b]->C. Show that ||f||_inf:= sup_{x element of [a,b]} |f(x)| is a norm on B([a,b],C).
I already proofed that B is a vector room, my prof told me to do so, but idk how to continue now.. Thanks for trying to help!
Let [a,b] be a finite interval. B([a,b],C) (C being the sign for complex numbers) be the room of the stetic function [a,b]->C. Show that ||f||_inf:= sup_{x element of [a,b]} |f(x)| is a norm on B([a,b],C).
I already proofed that B is a vector room, my prof told me to do so, but idk how to continue now.. Thanks for trying to help!