Proof of square root of two irrationality


New member
Mar 20, 2018
What is the earliest known accepted proof of the irrationality of the square root of two or the n root of any prime preferably one that is attributed to someone?
What is the earliest known accepted proof of the irrationality of the square root of two or the n root of any prime preferably one that is attributed to someone?
What searches have you conducted and what did you learn from those?
What is the earliest known accepted proof of the irrationality of the square root of two or the n root of any prime preferably one that is attributed to someone?

hippasus (? on spelling)
he was drowned in the Mediterranean Sea for proclaiming the diagonal of a square is irrational.
[It is very doubtful he proved it, at least not to his assassins.]
Thanks for the replies

I am old and not really good at typing much less googling (the best I knew to do was to type in square root of two proof and/or nth root of a prime proof into the google bar and hit enter). I understand the proofs but I am unable to find point of origin for such proofs. Thanks for any additional help.