Let $q$ be an accumulation point of $A$. There exists a point $x$ such that $d(x.q)< \frac{\delta}{2}- d(p_i,p_{m_j}) \tag{1}$ where $p_{m_{j}}$ is an arbitrary element of the subsequence {${p_{m_i}}$} which converges to $x$ (such a sequence exists since $x$ is in $A$) which means that for any $\epsilon>0$ there exists an integer $M$ such that whenever $m_i>M$, $d(p_{m_i},x)<\epsilon$. Setting $\epsilon=\frac{\delta}{2}+d(p_i,p_{m_j})$ we get $d(p_{m_i},x)< \frac{\delta}{2}+d(p_i,p_{m_j}) \tag{2}$ Adding $(1)$ and $(2)$ we get $$d(x,q)+d(p_{m_i},x)<\delta$$ using the triangle inequality, $$d(q,p_{m_i})<\delta$$ whenever $m_i>M$. So the subsequence ${p_{m_i}}$ converges to $q$ and it is in $A$. Is this correct?