Problematic letter/number/symbol combinations based on...


Elite Member
Aug 22, 2010
similar appearances

When typed and/or written out by hand, these
can be a visual distraction:

1) O 0

2) 1 l

3) 2 Z

4) 5 S

5) 8 B

6) \(\displaystyle e \ \epsilon\)

7) cl d

8) rn m

9) vv w

10) + t

11) |1| 111

12) X \(\displaystyle \times \\) X

13) h n

14) 9 a q

15) a d

16) \(\displaystyle - \ \div\)

17) \(\displaystyle \div \ +\)

18) l_ L

19) \(\displaystyle \cup\) U

20) \(\displaystyle \sqrt{a}c \ \ \sqrt{ac}\)

21) 6 b


Comments on some of the above:

7) "c" adjacent to "l" on the left

8) "r" adjacent to "n" on the left

10) especially if the "t" is written without a tail (as a cross)

11) absolute value expression on the left

13) if the stems are too short or too long, respectively

14) "9" written too low with a short tail, "a" written with too long of a tail, "q" written too high

15) "d" written with too short of a tail

16) the dots are faint and/or written close to the horizontal bar

20) A number or letter should not be written to the immediate right of a radical symbol.
Here, type \(\displaystyle c\sqrt{a}[\tex] instead.

21) For instance, sometimes when I have handwritten "y = mx + b,"
a student will ask if the last character is a "6."



Yes, soroban, to your additional examples.\)
Re: Problematic letter/number/symbol combinations based on..

Hello, lookagain!

I agree with all of them . . . especially rn .m.

How about:

. . \(\displaystyle \begin{array}{cc} @ & \theta \\ \$ & \text{S} \\ \vee & \text{V} \\ \wedge & \text{A} \\ \\[-4mm]\emptyset & \phi \end{array}\)

Re: Problematic letter/number/symbol combinations based on..

I think it's unfortunate that implied multiplication (like ab meaning a * b) is commonplace.
Restricts variables to one letter.
Stuff like vv would be eliminated: v * v.
Re: Problematic letter/number/symbol combinations based on..

And why the name "hypotenuse" (right angle triangle)?

Why not "diagonal" instead: all hypotenuses are diagonals of rectangles :idea: