problem solving (math)


New member
Oct 19, 2010
I am an even, 4- digit number that has more ones than tens. My thousands digit is the quotient 9 divided by 3 and my tens digit is the sum of 3 and 3. I have no hundreds. What number am I?
needtoknowmath said:
I am an even, 4- digit number that has more ones than tens. My thousands digit is the quotient 9 divided by 3 and my tens digit is the sum of 3 and 3. I have no hundreds. What number am I?

The digit in the ones- location must be 0 or 2 or 4 or 6 or 8.

Please show us your work indicating exactly where you are stuck - so that we may know where to begin to help you.
Subhotosh Khan said:
needtoknowmath said:
I am an even, 4- digit number that has more ones than tens. My thousands digit is the quotient 9 divided by 3 and my tens digit is the sum of 3 and 3. I have no hundreds. What number am I?

The digit in the ones- location must be 0 or 2 or 4 or 6 or 8.

Please show us your work indicating exactly where you are stuck - so that we may know where to begin to help you.

What is quotient of 9 divided by 3

What is the sum of 3 and 3?
Hello, needtoknowmath1

Do you really need help with this problem?
Exactly where is your difficulty?

I am an even 4- digit number that has more ones than tens.
My thousands digit is the quotient 9 divided by 3 and my tens digit is the sum of 3 and 3.
I have no hundreds. .What number am I?

We have a four-digit even number: .\(\displaystyle \square \;\square\;\square\;\square\)
. . The last (rightmost) digit is even: 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8.

The thousands digit is: \(\displaystyle }9 \div 3 = 3\)
The hundreds digit is: \(\displaystyle 0\)
The tens digit is: \(\displaystyle 3 + 3 = 6\)
. . The number is: .\(\displaystyle 3\,0\,6\,\square\)

There are more ones than tens.
The only even digit greater than 6 is \(\displaystyle 8.\)

. . Therefore, the number is: .\(\displaystyle 3\,0\,6\,8\)
Thank you, i reallly try to put my work on the posts if i understand it. But i just simply had no clue. Arthimetic was not a subject i did well in. I thank you again! But i will always try.