I will leave this post, just so I can respond to your objections.
From Dictionary.com
You seem to think you are getting definition #4: 4. (informal) a hostile manner: Don't give me attitude, my boy!
What you actually are receiving is Definition #1: 1. the way a person views something or tends to behave towards it, often in an evaluative way
May you continue to recieve Definition #1, wherever you go. When you seek help from professionals, you may wish to trust their judgment.
You may be unaware that the first warning sign of cheating is the failure to demonstrate ANY personal effort. You continue to post problems with no effort shown. My personal view of the matter is that if you TRULY have no idea how to proceed, you are in the wrong class and you should have a very personal chat with your academic advisor. If, like your teacher, your academic advisor is you, then you should reexamine what it is you are doing. If you TRULY have no idea how to proceed, you need to back up a class or two and learn the more fundamental principles that will help you get a clue how to proceed.
My views. I welcome others'.