Probability off ?


New member
Jun 27, 2024
Hi all.

I hope some one can help with this please.

I have 5 buckets , bucket1 has circles and 4 colours. B2 has squares and 4 clours, b3 triangles and 4 colours. B4 retangles and 4 colours, b5 octagon and 4 colours. Assume there is and endless supply in each bucket. I pick 30 shapes from B1, 23 from b2 . 7 from b3, 3 from b4 and 1 from b5. Whats the odds of reproducing the same combination twice ?


Probability off ?
Yes, it might be, unless you supply more information. ;)

Do all buckets contain the same four colours? Do you have any prior experience counting combinations and calculating probabilities? Have you tried working through a simpler version? Is this exercise part of a school assignment? If so, what have you tried or thought about thus far? Cheers
