Probability of Supernatural Events


Full Member
Apr 24, 2015
Eschatology is the study of future events. The rapture of the church is promised in Scripture as the next major event to imminently take place. Let's apply the idea of probability to a future event. What is the probability of the rapture of the church happening in our lifetime? Is the probability closer to 0 or closer to 1?

You say?
What is the probability of the rapture of the church happening in our lifetime? Is the probability closer to 0 or closer to 1?
To calculate probability we need data.
Please present a set of numerical data to proceed with calculations.

I believe @harpazo asked the same question many moons ago!
No one knows the day and hour of the rapture event. I say the probability of the rapture happening in our lifetime is imminent but unknown.
That assumes that the rapture will happen at all. If you aren't a Christian, why would you believe that it would? Hence we need data.

That assumes that the rapture will happen at all. If you aren't a Christian, why would you believe that it would? Hence we need data.

I am a Christian, Dan. I posted the question, however, when I heard a pastor talk about the probability of the rapture of the church taking place in our lifetime. By the way, not believing in something does not mean it is fantasy or spurious belief.

Lastly on the topic, in the Old Testament several raptures took place involving two men. I can think of two men who went to heaven without tasting physical death: Enoch and Elijah. The difference between the rapture of Enoch and Elijah and the coming rapture of the church is in the amount of people that will be involved, including those who are dead in Christ. Ok. Now back to math.
I am a Christian, Dan. I posted the question, however, when I heard a pastor talk about the probability of the rapture of the church taking place in our lifetime. By the way, not believing in something does not mean it is fantasy or spurious belief.

Lastly on the topic, in the Old Testament several raptures took place involving two men. I can think of two men who went to heaven without tasting physical death: Enoch and Elijah. The difference between the rapture of Enoch and Elijah and the coming rapture of the church is in the amount of people that will be involved, including those who are dead in Christ. Ok. Now back to math.
Yes, to Math. There is no Mathematical proof that Christianity is correct. Thus you have posted an ill-posed question. That is the point I am making.

And who said I wasn't a Christian?

Yes, to Math. There is no Mathematical proof that Christianity is correct. Thus you have posted an ill-posed question. That is the point I am making.

And who said I wasn't a Christian?

I am glad you are a Christian. If you are, then you should be just as eager as believers worldwide for the return of the Son of God.
Can you answer my unanswered threads in the Statistics and Probability forum?
I am glad you are a Christian. If you are, then you should be just as eager as believers worldwide for the return of the Son of God.
Can you answer my unanswered threads in the Statistics and Probability forum?
Who said I am a Christian? My own beliefs aren't the point. The point is that Mathematics supports no such belief and you are posting a question in a Mathematics section.

Who said I am a Christian? My own beliefs aren't the point. The point is that Mathematics supports no such belief and you are posting a question in a Mathematics section.

Can you check the other threads in this forum?
I am a Christian, Dan. . . .

Your religious content does not belong in a mathematics content subforum. Your admission of your own religion and/or
asking of others' religions in a mathematics content subforum is inappropriate. A report on you was made on one of
your posts in this thread.
No one knows the day and hour of the rapture event. I say the probability of the rapture happening in our lifetime is imminent but unknown.
Probability is a number. Therefore, "probability is imminent" makes zero sense.
Probability is a number. Therefore, "probability is imminent" makes zero sense.
Ok. Good to know. By the way, I heard a pastor talk about the probability of this event happening in our lifetime and decided to post his comment as a question here just to see the reaction of the forum.
Your religious content does not belong in a mathematics content subforum. Your admission of your own religion and/or
asking of others' religions in a mathematics content subforum is inappropriate. A report on you was made on one of
your posts in this thread.
Hey, relax. It's just a thread not federal law.
I heard a pastor talk about the probability of this event happening in our lifetime and decided to post his comment as a question here just to see the reaction of the forum. No reason to catch a heart attack.
Hey, relax. It's just a thread not federal law.
I heard a pastor talk about the probability of this event happening in our lifetime and decided to post his comment as a question here just to see the reaction of the forum. No reason to catch a heart attack.
Yes, but once again, you are blatantly ignoring the Forum Rules, which you have done over and over and over... on several forums no less.

It's not so much a matter of you not learning them as it is you not really giving a crap about them and thinking you can get away with saying anything you want, no matter that there are good reasons to prohibit it.

Yes, but once again, you are blatantly ignoring the Forum Rules, which you have done over and over and over... on several forums no less.

It's not so much a matter of you not learning them as it is you not really giving a crap about them and thinking you can get away with saying anything you want, no matter that there are good reasons to prohibit it.

Let's go back to math. I know how much the Bible is hated, how much Jesus is hated exactly as He said over and over and over again in Scripture.
Get off the forum. Don't reply with irrelevant nonsense.
A ban is the needed reply, and I am waiting for it
instead of any moderators enabling you.
I need you to go away. In fact, I wish you the same fate as King Louis the 16th of France. How about that Biden lover?