probability and percentages: 35% of people on the beach are


New member
Oct 17, 2006
35% of people on the beach are sunburned. 70% of the sunburned people are male. 60% of the people without sunburns are female

a) what % of people on the beach are female?
b) what % of sunburned people are female?
c) what % of the females are sunburned?
d) what percent of the males are sunburned?

I don't even know how to start this one
To get you going; assume 1000 people on beach;
then 350 (35%) are sunb. and 650 are not.

.70(350) = 245 males sunb

.40(650) = 260 males not sunb.

505 males out of the 1000... carry on
okay so then i got

M- Sunburned-245 Not-260
F- Sunburned-105 Not-390

is this right?