Preimage question


New member
Jan 10, 2013
Hi, I was wondering what you all thought about the answer given to the following question.

This is how the question is phrased:

Given \(\displaystyle f : \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R} \) where \(\displaystyle f(x) = \lfloor x \rfloor \), the greatest integer in \(\displaystyle x \), find \(\displaystyle f^{-1}(A) \) for \(\displaystyle A = \{0,1 \} \).

And the given answer is \(\displaystyle f^{-1}(A) = [0,2) \).

I was wondering why the answer is not \(\displaystyle \: f^{-1}(A) = (-\infty,2) \).

My reasoning is that for \(\displaystyle A = \{0,1 \} \), we have \(\displaystyle f^{-1}(A) = \big\{x \in \mathbb{R} \,\big|\, f(x) \in \{0,1\} \big\} \). And if \(\displaystyle f(x) \) is the greatest integer in \(\displaystyle x \), then wouldn't all negative real numbers also be included in the preimage? That is, wouldn't \(\displaystyle f\big( (-\infty, 2) \big) \) also be 1, which is in \(\displaystyle \{0,1\}\)? Or am I misunderstanding something?

Thanks in advance for your comments. Much appreciated!
What is \(\displaystyle \lfloor -1.5\rfloor\)? It is not 0 or 1. So \(\displaystyle -1.5 \not\in f^{-1}\{0,1\}\)
What is \(\displaystyle \lfloor -1.5\rfloor\)? It is not 0 or 1. So \(\displaystyle -1.5 \not\in f^{-1}\{0,1\}\)

Oh, ok. I get it. Thanks. I think I misunderstood the definition of the original function. I wasn't reading it as "greatest integer less than or equal to."

Thanks again.