Pre Calculus Graphing. Don't Understand.


New member
Nov 12, 2012
Here's the problem.

Use your graphing utility to graph each side of the equation in the same viewing rectangle. Then use the x-coordinate of the intersection point to find the equation's solution set. Verify this value by direct substitution into the equation.

3x = 2x+3

Here's the answer(back of the book):{-1.391606, 1.6855579}
I just do not understand how to get this answer.

Any help is appreciated.
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A graphing utility is not a button.

Let me rephrase the question.

What machine are you trying to use for plotting the graph?
Put 3^X in Y1

Put 2X+3 in Y2

Change the window settings to:

xMin = -2

xMax = 2

yMin = -1

yMax = 8

On the graph, you should see two intersection points.

Zoom in on each of them, to see the X-coordinate.

Substitute these values of X (one at a time) into the original equation, to confirm.
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