possible error q


New member
Dec 6, 2008
Hey there,

The measurement of the circumference of a circle is found to be 54cm. Approximate the percentage error in computing the area of the circle if possible error in measuring the circumference is 0.6cm. Round your answer to three decimal places.

Thanks yall
pyt said:
Hey there,

The measurement of the circumference of a circle is found to be 54cm. Approximate the percentage error in computing the area of the circle if possible error in measuring the circumference is 0.6cm. Round your answer to three decimal places.

Thanks yall

Duplicate post:

http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ... 019AAZ3nEu


Write the expression for area of a circle in terms of the circumference.

Please show us your work, indicating exactly where you are stuck - so that we know where to begin to help you.
Hey thanks for your hint:

C = 2?r
r = C/2?

A = ?r[sup:1ff8k44s]2[/sup:1ff8k44s]
A = ?(C/2?)[sup:1ff8k44s]2[/sup:1ff8k44s]
A = 1/4? C[sup:1ff8k44s]2[/sup:1ff8k44s]
dA = (1/4?)(2C)dC
dA = (C/2?)dC
dA = (54/2?)(.6) = 5.157cm

Did I do okay? Thanks !!
pyt said:
Hey thanks for your hint:

C = 2?r
r = C/2?

A = ?r[sup:2idmkka1]2[/sup:2idmkka1]
A = ?(C/2?) [sup:2idmkka1]2[/sup:2idmkka1]
A = 1/(4?) C[sup:2idmkka1]2[/sup:2idmkka1] <<< The way you write it - it becomes A = 1/4 * ? * C[sup:2idmkka1]2[/sup:2idmkka1]
dA = (1/4?)(2C)dC
dA = (C/2?)dC
dA = (54/2?)(.6) = 5.157cm[sup:2idmkka1]2[/sup:2idmkka1] - fix it according to corrections above

Did I do okay? Thanks !!