Re: Populations problem
Using a logistic equation and assuming the carrying capacity is 13 (in thousands), I got
P(t) = 13/[1+.1607e^(-.45t)], P'(t) = [5.85(.1607e^(-.45t)]/[1+.1607e^(-.45t)]^2
P(0) = 11.200137..., P'(0) = .697...
P(1) = 11.791737..., P'(1) = .493...
P(2) = 12.202725..., P'(2) = .336...
P(3) = 12.480080..., P'(3) = .224...
P(4) = 12.663609..., P'(4) = .147...
P(5) = 12.783477..., P'(5) = .095...
P(6) = 12.861101..., P'(6) = .061...
It should be obvious that the limiting factor is 13 and the derivative tapers off to zero as t increases.