polynomial ( 25a2 + 40a + 16) a perfect square?


New member
May 9, 2006
im really bad at math so i dont know how to do this question either :oops:

State whether the polynomial ( 25a2 + 40a + 16) is a perfect square. Use factors to support your answer.
Use the following
\(\displaystyle \L
\left( {pa + q} \right)^2 = p^2 a^2 + 2pqa + q^2 \quad \Rightarrow \quad p^2 = 25,\;2pq = 40\;\& \;q^2 = 16\).

Find the values for p & q.
Try factoring. If the factors are identical, then the polynomial is the result of having squared (multiplied two identical factors). Otherwise, not.

If you can multiply two binomials, it is no more complicated than that. Just look at one piece at a time.

"im really bad at math so i dont know how to do this question either"

This is just wrong. You don't know how to do it because you don't. Why does it have to be because you are "really bad at math". Stop beating yourself up and get to work.
sarah.p said:
5a^2 + 2*5*4*a + 16?
See, you're getting the idea. You are SO close.

5<sup>2</sup>a<sup>2</sup> + 2*5*4*a + 4<sup>2</sup>
Yes, that is correct sofar.
Now put it in \(\displaystyle \L
\left( {px + q} \right)^2\) form.
pka said:
Yes, that is correct sofar.
Now put it in \(\displaystyle \L
\left( {px + q} \right)^2\) form.

i never learned anything about px + q
25a<sup>2</sup> + 40a + 16 = (5a + 4)<sup>2</sup>

do you even have a math teacher?