Pohlig-Hellman Cipher + Affine Hill Cipher, relatively simple (not for me!) questions


New member
Jan 22, 2013
Hi guys,

How you all doing?

Would be a great help if you could help me solve these equations. I guess more than the answers I need the process by which you get to them.

Here are the questions:


1) The cryptotext 3276 is a result of the Pohlig-Hellman Cipher with p = 7823 and e = 3129. Find the Plaintext.

Encryption algo: Ee(x) =xe (mod p)
Decryption algo: Dd(y) = yd (mod p)


2) The Affine Hill Ciper has the encryption function

E(x^1,...,x^m) = (x^1,...,x^m) A+(b^1,...,b^m) (mod 26)

where A is invertible m x m matrix. Encrypt the message "tavern" using the encryption key m=2, A= (see matrix below)

( 4 11
3 19 )

and (b^1, b^2) = (13, 5).

Check your result by decrypting.


Ok. That's it!

Any and all help would be appreciated... Thankss
